Would you warn him about your “mistakes” or give him advice on what he should do when that situation comes up?
Would you tell him to be strong when the world gets cold and mean?
Spend as much time as you can with Mom, she won’t be here for long.
You don’t have to work so hard to be perfect, you’re just right the way you are.
Some people will be mean, but there are a lot of people who love you — don’t take them for granted.
It’s ok to be scared, even grown-ups get scared sometimes.
Never be afraid to dream BIG.
Don’t be afraid to take chances on yourself.
Failure is a healthy part of the process, don’t be afraid of it.
Life won’t turn out the way you imagined, and it will all be ok.
Embrace change.
Be kind to yourself.
You are seen.
You are loved.
Find a baby picture of yourself and talk to him, he’s been waiting all your life to hear from you.